Demystifying Meditation and Mindfulness (free)
CourseSatisfy your analytical mind with science, research and evidence that will help demystify these ancient practices. Learn a practical approach to meditation and mindfulness, then sit back and relax while Kim guides you through a simple exercise.
Members Community
CommunityJoin today! It's free! Welcome to the Pause First Academy Members Community, home of The Pause Daily Brief. Learn more...
Well Warrior Culture Membership
BundleJoin today and lock in this low price. No increase for you when the price goes up! Well Warrior Culture is a multi-media platform that provides hope, healing, support, and resources for society's warriors, protectors, guardians, and healers.
$5 / month
The Pause First Aid Bundle
BundleA $342 value for only $97! (Or 4 payments of $30) Finally, help for the helpers. Learn about stress reduction, trauma recovery, anger management, mindfulness, and more!
Warrior Resource List
Digital downloadThis resource list is excerpted from Kim Colegrove’s books, The Mindfulness for Warriors Handbook, and Wellness Warrior Style.
Family Focus: How to create a less stressful, more mindful household
CourseLet's introduce your household to 3 simple daily habits that will help each family member feel less stressed. By learning these practices and experimenting together as a family, you can begin to nurture a more mindful and harmonious home.