Build a Sustainable Meditation Practice

Discover a meditation technique that works for you and learn how to lock in this powerful daily habit. Evergreen course! Meaning, once you purchase it, it's yours, lifetime.

What to Expect

If you don't have an account, you'll need to create one to view the free previews, but it won't cost you a dime! AND...the course and guided meditation are YOURS TO KEEP! No purchase necessary.

About Your Instructor, Kim Colegrove

I was originally trained in Transcendental Meditation in 1976 at the age of 10! That's not what I practice anymore, nor what I teach, but that training was foundational. I've been teaching people about meditation for two decades—professionally, full time, for almost 15 years—working with organizations such as Garmin International, United Way, Department of Veterans Affairs, The National Court Reporters Association, and others. After losing my husband to suicide, just months after he retired from a 30-year law enforcement career, I turned my attention to society's warriors, protectors, guardians, and healers. Since 2017, I've taught thousands of these brave and essential people about the evidence-based benefits of meditation.

More about the course

  • High-touch. Your instructor will be available to answer questions and help guide you.

  • Optional live events that will be recorded so you can watch at a time that's convenient for you.

  • Daily lessons, guided meditations, additional resources, bonus materials, and so much more!

  • One-on-one coaching sessions available.

  • Evergreen course! Retake all or part of it as many times as you'd like.

Are you ready to learn how to meditate?

Do you want to establish a practice that will stick?